Vacuum Induction Melting Systems - Inductotherm Group India

Vacuum Induction Melting Systems

Inductotherm Vacuum Induction Melting Furnaces are designed specifically for operation in high vacuum environments and include vacuum-adapted construction methods and the industry’s most advanced coil and connector dielectric insulation technologies and procedures.



Plot No. SM-6, Road No.11 Sanand-II, Industrial Estate, BOL Village, Sanand Ahmedabad- 382170


Vacuum Induction Melting Systems require vacuum induction furnaces that can withstand the harsh environments that vacuum and controlled atmospheres often create. As the principal supplier of induction furnaces and power supply units for the world’s leading vacuum system manufacturers and precision investment casters, we know that our equipment is up to the challenge. Our furnaces range from small vacuum furnaces with capacities measured in grams to giant vacuum furnaces with capacities of 60 ton and more. Our VIP® Power Supply Units as large as 6,000 kilowatts have been built specifically for vacuum melting applications. Two- or three-phase unidirectional stirring for precise chemistry and temperature consistency are available.

Tech Specs

CapacitiesStandard FeaturesFactory Tested
1 Kilogram to 30 Metric Tons [2.2 Pounds to 33 Short Tons]Vacuum Melting FurnacesCritical Components
Contact Inductotherm for Custom SolutionsPower Feed-Thru Assembly
Air-Cooled Power Bus
Coaxial Power Feed-Thru Assembly
Magnetic Iron Shunt Package
VIP® Power Supply Unit